Get Trust Registration in Delhi: Step-by-Step Guide and Requirements

 If you're looking to get trust registration in Delhi, it's essential to follow the legal procedures and requirements set by the relevant authorities. Here's a general outline of the process:

1. Understand the Trust Registration Process:

  • Familiarize yourself with the requirements and procedures for trust registration in Delhi. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have all the necessary documents and information ready.

2. Prepare the Required Documents:

  • Gather the necessary documents, including:
    • Trust deed: A document outlining the objectives, rules, and regulations of the trust.
    • ID proof and address proof of trustees.
    • Passport-sized photographs of trustees.
    • Proof of the registered office address.
    • PAN card of the trust.
    • Any other documents required by the authorities.

3. Draft the Trust Deed:

  • Prepare a trust deed that complies with the laws and regulations governing trusts in Delhi. The deed should include details such as the name of the trust, its objectives, rules for trustees, and procedures for decision-making.

4. Submit the Application:

  • Visit the office of the Registrar of Trusts in Delhi or the relevant authority responsible for trust registration.
  • Submit the application for trust registration along with the required documents and fees.
  • Ensure all the information provided is accurate and complete to avoid delays or rejections.

5. Verification and Approval:

  • The authorities will verify the documents and information provided in the application.
  • If everything is in order, they will issue the registration certificate for the trust.

6. Post-Registration Formalities:

  • Once the trust is registered, you may need to fulfill certain post-registration formalities, such as obtaining a PAN card and opening a bank account in the name of the trust.

7. Compliance and Renewal:

  • Ensure compliance with the rules and regulations governing trusts in Delhi, including filing annual returns and maintaining proper records.
  • Renew the registration as required by law.

8. Seek Legal Assistance if Needed:

  • If you're unfamiliar with the legal procedures or encounter any challenges during the registration process, consider seeking legal assistance from a trusted lawyer or legal advisor specializing in trust law.


Getting trust registration in Delhi involves several steps and procedures that must be followed diligently. By understanding the process, preparing the required documents, and seeking assistance if needed, you can successfully register your trust and begin your journey of making a positive impact in society.

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